Community Wisdom Training for Conscious Organizations

Carefully harvesting, compiling, validating, and compiling Community Wisdom to create reliable human transformation

A group of people discussing together in a constructive way with each other.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Albert Einstein

“How many jelly beans do you think are in this jar?” When subjects were asked this question, guesses ranged from 250 to 4,100; the actual number was 1,116. The average error was 700 — a massive 62% — demonstrating
that the subjects were awful estimators.

Now here comes the weird part. Even with all these wildly incorrect guesses, the average guess was 1,151 — just 3% off the mark.
So although individually, humanity can be woefully inaccurate, collectively, as a group, we have incredible wisdom if our responses are recorded independently and refined.

colorful jelly beans in a glass jar. Generative AI

The Summit system for transformation has been engineered for over twenty years to use the power of Community Wisdom to solve the world’s most challenging problems. These include improving cancer outcomes, housing for the impoverished, childhood trauma, engineering issues, Fortune 100 finance, significant population burnout, and other issues viewed as unsolvable.


Refining Wisdom

Why have question boxes, town halls, and polls been used for hundreds of years with little to no success? If these communities have wisdom, why do these standard practices produce such poor results?

Community Wisdom, when collected, is a lot like raw wheat in a field. Yes, it is wheat, but it is not bread.

Like wheat, Community Wisdom must undergo a precise process or recipe to be digestible.

First, the insight needs to be collected and collated into buckets that can be weighed against the world’s existing wisdom.


Second, Community Wisdom is validated through historical, biological, psychological, neuro, social, and organizational research. In this process, we combine the wisdom of your community with the wisdom of the great human community.

Third, the wisdom of the super-community needs to be baked into a delicious easy-to-consume program using a recipe that makes the unreadably academic super-wisdom feel like common sense.


You have two options, invest twenty years and millions in trials to figure out how to access your communities wisdom... or give us a call.